How YOU can
help nonspeakers
Together we can empower all nonspeakers to find their voice and live a life of autonomy and connection. BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Join the Revolution
Nonspeaking spellers are now demanding that we wake up to the reality that we have grossly underestimated the abilities of more than 50 million people worldwide. Their revolution is challenging conventional wisdom regarding this group relegated to society’s margins: nonspeakers, who most “experts” believe are cognitively disabled. Now, by the miraculous process of using letterboards and keyboards to communicate their thoughts and feelings, they are changing how the rest of society relates to them.
How You Can Help

Learn more about spelling as communication to become an ally. You can help empower nonspeakers by spreading the word about this vital form of communcation!
Help us spread the word! By sharing awareness about spelled communication you can help guide all nonspeakers toward a life of expression and fulfillment.
Your charitable contributions directly help nonspeakers access communication and build the army of spellers making systemic change on behalf of themselves and others.
By purchasing and wearing Spellers gear you help the world open their eyes and hearts to nonspeakers. Plus all proceeds go to providing scholarships to nonspeakers.